Thursday, October 6, 2011


           One month has passed since I started my new life here in Nome. As a missionary, I should tell you that it has been a blessing of an experience so far, I don't regret this decision at all. I only say this because I've been battling some sort of Virus for two and a half weeks now. Some of you may have been able to tell from my Video Blog last week that I wasn't feeling at all like myself. It seems to be some sort of Nasal and Respiratory issue I have been fighting. Some days I have a sore throat, some days I don't. I always have a runny nose. The coughing has at least become much less violent. And every once in awhile I get really tight chested, like someone has just punched me. Though, I must tell you I am getting better.
           This is my first time living under my own roof instead of under the roof of my parents, and it's an experience. I don't know about you who is reading this right now, but I wonder if it is easier with a roommate? Sickness can sometimes leave you helpless, I found myself praying more. Not to alarm you, I just don't ever get sick. I don't take being sick easy at all. I miss exercising, And being able to breath without the worry of another violent cough attack. I don't know why, but I am looking at being sick a lot different now.
           Back home in Northern Virginia, I never really had to worry. I get sick, I know there are well trained doctors very close by who can pinpoint what I have and give me the medication I need. Here, it is different. I have been told that I'm not going to find a medical facility here in Nome like I have back in Northern Virginia. Usually, the hospital here can handle itself and patients, but the care is different I've been told. Doctors come and go, which is usually how Nome works, a lot of people always come and go. I was told that if I want a really good medical facility I can find one in Anchorage. But let me tell you what I have learned.
           God bless the doctors who choose to work here. True, I probably should have been prescribed something stronger then Psuedophed, but I've been able to tough this out pretty well. When I wasn't able to hear, the Audiologist was very correct in why I was having trouble hearing. I could tell he is VERY good at what he does. This goes for doctors here in Nome and everywhere else, their job is NOT easy, God knows it never has been. I've always "known" that doctors are brilliant people who don't have easy jobs, all the schooling they have to go through is enough to say that. Doctors have to deal with the same kind of customer problems as any other working individual, but when it's health on the line, it's that much more severe.
            We NEED to take care of ourselves; self-care and self-appreciation go a long way. In a perfect world, we wouldn't need Doctors if you think about it. But we do, and we should be more thankful for them when we take them for granted. Thankful for pharmaceuticals, Lab Technicians, all the staff that make those facilities work. Even when I can't get the best care, at least I can get some care. If only we could figure out the insurance and paying bit a little better, it WOULD make things easier, there is always that. That wall is what I think causes a lot of the customer issues within hospitals.
            Anyway, I think this blog was more of just a rant. Oh well, I suppose there will be one of these every once in awhile. Know that I am holding up though, even if I am still feeling rough. I have money to afford medicine, I have a bed to sleep in, clean water and food. I would say God has provided me with the means to survive.

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